Darcs is a free, open source revision control system. It is:
- Distributed: Every user has access to the full command set, removing boundaries between server and client or committer and non-committers.
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- Smart: Originally developed by physicist David Roundy, darcs isbased on a unique algebra of patches.
Supported GHC and Cabal versions
Darcs 2.14 can be compiled with GHC 8.0, 8.2 and 8.4, andsupports Cabal versions from 1.24.
Windows issues
Darcs 2.14 received many updates in its support of encoding.However, it may still contain bugs, especially under Windows,
a platform for which we have fewer known users. Please let us
know if you encounter weird behaviour under Windows.
What's new
User Interface:- fix encoding business, make DARCS_DONT_ESCAPE_8BIT=1 default (Ben Franksen, Ganesh Sittampalam)
- show explicit dependencies in `darcs log -s` (Gian Piero Carrubba)
- improve bash/zsh completion (Ben, Gian Piero)
- no longer print an error message when ctrlc'ing pager (Guillaume Hoffmann)
- darcs help markdown` mentions all files in `_darcs/prefs/` (Guillaume)
- add patch index status to `show repo` command (Ben)
- per-file conflict marking (Ben)
- 我爱辅助网 - 免费伢质游戏辅助收集分享_辅助网_我爱辅助 ...:我爱辅助网(www.52fzw.com),专注提供最新伢质的游戏辅助,我爱辅助论坛,游戏技巧,游戏活动;打造最稳定绿色的辅助分享站,提供的热门游戏辅助分享均经过各大杀毒软件检测。
- add --not-in-remote option to unrecord command (Ben)
- plug memory leak and improve efficiency in annotate (Ben)
- save unneeded FL/RL reverses in SelectChanges module (Ben)
- optimize token replace code and --look-for-replaces (Ben)
- no longer show conflicting files on `whatsnew -s`, will reintrodue this
- feature when it is done efficiently (Guillaume)
- separate display and storage of patches (Ben)
- support GHC 8.2 and GHC 8.4 (Ganesh)
- many refactorings in Darcs.Repository modules and API (Ben, Guillaume)
- no longer track build dependencies in Setup.hs, nor use alpha, beta, rc names (Guillaume)
- refactor `pull --reorder-patches` (Ben)
- refactor SelectChanges (Ben)
- remove Patchy typeclass and redundant constaints where possible (Guillaume)
- fix build with cabal new-build (Francesco Ariis)
- unit and quickcheck tests for inventories (Ben)
- throw out all access to bytestring internals from Darcs.Util.ByteString (Ben)
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- 5款工具彻底帮你解决百度网盘限速问题!_python_小詹学 ...:2021-7-11 · 点击“ 小詹学Python ”,星标 公伡号 重磅干货,第一时间送达 作者:趣说软件 在之前也陆续给大家推荐过好几种百度网盘限速的解决方案,但是每次推荐都有一小部分粉丝说他用不了,那么今天我把目前可用的几款工具全部总结一下,我相信总有一款是适合你的!
- rely on GHC's own stack traces for bug reporting (Guillaume)
- fix mail encoding with '.' or '=' as last character (Timo von Holtz)
- issue2526: whatsnew -l --boring should list boring files (Ben)
- issue2208: replace detects existing force hunks in working (Ben)
- issue2512: author name is written to repository after multiple-choice prompt (Stephan-A. Posselt)
- 绝版孤星煞的逃婚计划书- 第一话 我,响马招花 ...-SF轻小说:2021-7-11 · “哈哈,老夫经过上一次的教训,已经在住处设下了结界。别说你,就算是你那个便宜媳妇帮忙,也未必能进老夫的院子。” “呸!老子才不要那个婆娘帮忙!”人肉粽子又开始剧烈的挣扎:“护山大阵老子都能炸的开!你就等着跟你的烟草说再见吧!
- issue2545: prevent argument smuggling in SSH repository URLs (Gian Piero)
- [不限速百度云]两款百度网盘破解版分享 | 墨染辉夜:2021-4-22 · 本文包含两款一定程度解除百度云限速的下载工具,其中包括简单介绍、使用说明和下载链接。 这是第一篇粉丝投稿的文章。 Pandownload 简介 这个破解版百度云可伡说是很经典了,由吾爱破解大神倾情制作。 缺点是使用自己的账号,容易被度受限速,好几天才能恢复 特别说明:使用前请登录百度 ...
- issue2575: fix unrevert with rebase (Ben)
- issue2579: allow darcs send to work even if no MTA is installed
- issue2555: include explicit dependencies in the output of `log -v` (Gian Piero)
- issue2569: decoding multibyte characters (Ben)
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- issue2567: darcs whatsnew --unified (Ben)
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- issue2564: delete wrong and irrelevant propConcatPS (Guillaume)
- issue2559: remove trailing empty lines in patch header edition (Guillaume)
- issue2536: mask out internal matchers in `show files` routing logic (Gian Piero)